Sunday, July 12, 2009

4:56 pm, 7.12.09

IMG_0664, originally uploaded by carly22.

Meet Phoebe. She is the new addition to my friends Gerry and Donna's family. Gerry is an avid Circadian Images reader I'll have you know!

Somewhere in PA


  1. Gerry, thank you for being an avid blog viewer. Phoebe is adorable. And, I like her name, too.

  2. Her name took awhile to come up with but I think a great one was settled on. Although I still like Taxi. :)

  3. Hi Gerry! Hi Phoebe! I do love that name. I love that when I say it, it sounds different from how it is spelled, so that whenever I see it spelled, I pronounce it silently FO-EE-BEE in my head. And then it's like having a secret name!

  4. Lord, I LOVELOVELOVE you, Stephanie!!!!!! A secret nickname. I identify with that SO much.

  5. I do that every time i see the word antique. An Ti Cue. Or, I pronounce it in very cheesy Sphanish: On tee kay.
