Friday, June 5, 2009

4:42 pm, 6.5.09

After spending a very nice 6 days at Carly's house, my cousin Leanne picked me up, and then we drove to the airport to pick up Laura. Then, we had some good cousin time for the rest of the weekend. Here is Leanne's darling kitty. I don't know it's name. I am supposed to know it, but instead of asking, I thought Leanne would say it. And then she never did. And I felt like I had been adoring the kitty too long at that point to ask.

South San Francisco, CA


  1. Oh my god! It's scary how much that kitty looks like Jon Jon, green eyes and all. I bet it's nicer than Jon Jon, though.

  2. I love you, Stephanie. I've been in that situation before.

  3. He is definitely nicer, just look at his face! Jon Jon has evil squinty eyes.
