Tuesday, June 16, 2009

9:32 pm, 6.16.09

On Sunday, D and I went to Costco and came home with our usual Costco haul, which included (but was not limited to) a six month supply of toilet paper, paper towels (both 100% recycled), toothpaste, tooth brushes, a giant tub of the best artichoke-jalapeƱo dip you've ever tasted, and a lifetime supply of energy efficient light bulbs. Our house is now 99% energy efficient when it comes to light bulbs (we have these weird "candle" lights in the chandelier above the table, and I don't think those are yet available in energy efficient bulbs).

This makes me very happy.

San Francisco, CA

1 comment:

  1. That's great! Congratulations! When T and I moved in here, we began trading out the incandescents for CFLs with the incandescents burnt out. I've been impressed with how many varieties there are! I think all our lights are CFLs now, except for the ones above the vanity in the bathroom. I haven't been able to find CFLs for those spaces either.
